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More Patent Claims on Genetic Resources of Secret Origin (No. 4)

More Patent Claims on Genetic Resources of Secret Origin (No. 4)
Price: USD 6.00

Author : Edward Hammond                      About the Book This paper updates a 2014 Third World Network study on the ... more info

Paris Climate News Updates (November-December 2015)

Paris Climate News Updates (November-December 2015)
Price: USD 12.00

                                                            About the Book This is a ... more info

Didactic Toolkit for the Design, Management and Assessment of Resilient Farming Systems

Didactic Toolkit for the Design, Management and Assessment of Resilient Farming Systems
Price: USD 10.00

Author: Miguel A Altieri, Clara I Nicholls-Estrada, Alejandro Henao-Salazar, Ana C Galvis-Martínez & Paul Rogé About the Book The ... more info

Agroecology: Key Concepts, Principles and Practices

Agroecology: Key Concepts, Principles and Practices
Price: USD 8.00

                                                               About the Book Industrial agriculture ... more info

Living on the Edge: Women, Agrobiodiversity and Livelihood

Living on the Edge: Women, Agrobiodiversity and Livelihood
Price: USD 12.00

Author : Vanaja Ramprasad                          About the Book The predominance of commercially marketed crop varieties and ... more info

Bonn Climate News Updates (June 2015)

Bonn Climate News Updates (June 2015)
Price: USD 10.00

                                                             About the Book This is a collection of 22 ... more info

RIO+20 and BEYOND: Reaffirming Sustainable Development Commitments

RIO+20 and BEYOND: Reaffirming Sustainable Development Commitments
Price: USD 15.00

Author: TWN                                         About the Book This is a compilation of Third World ... more info

Tackling Hidden Hunger: Putting Diet Diversification at the Centre

Tackling Hidden Hunger: Putting Diet Diversification at the Centre
Price: USD 10.00

Author: Juan Lopez Villar                          About the Book The scourge of “hidden hunger” or micronutrient ... more info

Liberalization, Financial Instability and Economic Development

Liberalization, Financial Instability and Economic Development
Price: USD 18.00

Author: Yılmaz Akyüz                             About the Book Weighing up the costs and benefits of economic interdependence in ... more info

Lima Climate News Updates (December 2014)

Lima Climate News Updates (December 2014)
Price: USD 12.00

                                                            About the Book This is a ... more info

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