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The Food Crisis, Climate Change and the Importance of Sustainable Agriculture (No. 8)

USD 6.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 978-983-2729-90-7
Year: 2009
No. of pages: 24
Size of book: 14.5cm x 21cm
Author: Martin Khor
About the Book

The recent crisis of high food prices and the serious problem of climate change point to the grave challenges confronting global agriculture. This paper looks at the difficulties the farming sector faces on these two fronts and how it can respond to them.

The food price crisis has highlighted the importance of strengthening food security. Over the years, domestic food production in developing countries has been undermined often as a result of wrong-headed policy prescriptions from international financial institutions and the inequitable provisions of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. This paper calls for reform in national and international agricultural policies in order to better safeguard food security and farming livelihoods in the developing world.

Climate change poses another serious threat to the agriculture sector, which both affects and is affected by global warming. While climate change can adversely affect agricultural output, current farming methods themselves are a major contributor to climate change. However, as this paper points out, agriculture does have great potential for mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change – potential that can be realized with a shift from conventional industrial farming to ecologically sound sustainable agriculture practices.

About the Author

MARTIN KHOR, formerly Director of the Third World Network, is Executive Director of the South Centre, an intergovernmental body with 50 member states from the developing world. He was educated as an economist in the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Universiti Sains Malaysia. He is the author of several books and papers on issues relating to trade and development, environment and sustainable development.

    The Ghanaian experience
    International agricultural trade
    Conclusions and proposals

    Effects of climate change
    Direct contribution to emissions
    Indirect contribution to emissions  
    Mitigation potential
    Conclusions and proposals


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