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Warsaw News Updates and Climate Briefings (November 2013)

USD 12.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 978-967-5412-93-6
Year: 2014
No. of pages: 184
Size of book: 21cm x 29cm
About the Book

This is a collection of 35 News Updates and five Briefing Papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the recent United Nations Climate Change Talks – the nineteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP19), the ninth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 9), the thirty-ninth sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 39) and the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA 39), as well as the third part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-3) – in Warsaw, Poland, from 11 to 22 November 2013.


Warsaw News Updates 

1.    COP19 Opens in Warsaw amidst Worsening Climate Situation        
2.    Climate Talks Open on Grim and Sombre Note         
3.    Developing Countries Make Strong Call for pre-2020 Increased Ambition         
4.    Subsidiary Body for Implementation Commences Work, Focus on Loss and Damage       
5.    Developing Countries Propose Text on International Mechanism on Loss and Damage       
6.    Durban Platform: Developing Countries Call for Balanced and Comprehensive Approach       
7.    SBSTA: G77 and China ‘Adopts’ Brazilian Proposal on Need for Methodology for
    Historical Responsibility       
8.     Update on Discussions Relating to REDD-Plus       
9.     ADP: Technology Session Debates the ‘Word That Should Not Be Named’    
10.    ADP: Rich Discussion on ‘Finance’ in the 2015 Outcome       
11.    COP Advances Work on Finance Matters, Decision-making in the UNFCCC etc      
12.    SBI Unable to Conclude on UNFCCC Secretariat’s Programme Budget       
13.    Ministerial Roundtable for Ambition under Kyoto Protocol in June 2014       
14.     ADP: Discussion on ‘Adaptation’ in the New Agreement      
15.     Progress on Technology Issues Blocked by Developed Countries      
16.     SBSTA: No Consensus on Market Mechanisms in Warsaw      
17.     SBSTA Concludes with Divergences over Several Issues       
18.     ADP: Backsliding in Emission Commitments ‘Destructive to Negotiations’      
19.     ADP: Parties to Engage on Proposal by Co-chairs on Draft Text      
20.    COP Stock-take Reveals Problem Areas for Political Resolution by Ministers       
21.    SBI Closes with Key Unresolved Issues       
22.     Climate Talks at Risk of Delivering Nothing       
23.    Overview of the Warsaw Conference (COP19) Outcomes    
24.    Fight over Developed-Developing Country Differentiation in 2015 ‘Agreement’    
25.    COP19 Establishes Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage    
26.    SBSTA: Proposals to Weaken Rules on Non-permanence of Land-use Activities in the
    Clean Development Mechanism    
27.     COP19: Disappointment over Long-term Finance but Gains on Other Finance Decisions
28.     COP19: High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance
29.     Parties Express Mixed Feelings over Warsaw Outcomes    
30.     “Framework for REDD-plus Action” Adopted in Warsaw    
31.    Lively Exchange among Ministers on the Durban Platform    
32.    Future of the Forum on Response Measure to be Discussed Next Year
33.    Durban Platform: Divergence of Views on ‘Transparency of Action and Support’    
34     Interesting Discussion on Decision-making Process in the UNFCCC        
35.    Farmers and Food Systems Need Support to Adapt to Climate Change    

Climate Briefings for Warsaw

1.     Loss and Damage: Future Needs, Including Capacity Needs Associated with Possible Approaches to Address Slow-onset Events
2.     Key Issues on Loss and Damage from Warsaw Preparations    
3.     Experts Discuss Future Needs on Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change Impacts    
4.     Accounting for Forests and Land Use Change – New Rules or More Loopholes?    
5.     Geoengineering

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