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Accra News Updates and Climate Briefings (2008)

USD 10.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 978-983-2729-58-7
Year: 2008
No. of pages: 88
Size of book: 21cm x 29cm
About the Book

This is a collection of the 11 News Updates and three Briefing Papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Accra, Ghana from 21 to 27 August 2008. 



1. Differences emerge over "sectoral approaches" as Accra climate talks start

2. Accept Ambitious Reduction Targets, Annex I told at Kyoto Group Meeting

3. Wide-Ranging Discussion on Forest Issues at REDD Workshop

4. Talks on Long-Term Cooperative Action Start After Differences Over Technology and Finance

5. Clash Over "Differentiation" of Developing Countries at Mitigation Contact Group

6. G77 and China Propose Enhanced Financial Mechanism for UNFCCC

7. Developing Countries Submit Proposals for Comprehensive Adaptation Framework

8. Heated Debates on Technology and Finance at UNFCCC

9. North Floats Idea of New Climate Regime, South Warns this Threatens Copenhagen Outcome

10. Final Plenary Agrees on "Full Negotiating Mode" in 2009

11. G77 and China Propose Comprehensive Technology Mechanism for UNFCCC


1. Sectoral Approaches in Climate Negotiations: Considerations for Developing Countries

2. A Comprehensive Framework of Principles and Plan of Action on Technology in UNFCCC

3. Possible Elements of an Enhanced Institutional Architecture for Cooperation on Technology Development and Transfer Under the UNFCCC

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