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The WTO and the Proposed Multilateral Investment Agreement: Implications for Developing Countries and Proposed Positions (No. 2)

USD 6.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 983-9747-20-7
Year: 1996
No. of pages: 40
Size of book: 16.5cm x 24cm
Author: Martin Khor
About the Author

MARTIN KHOR is the Director of Third World Network, a network of several NGOs in different parts of the developing world. An economist trained in Cam­bridge University who has lectured in economics in the Science University of Malaysia, he is the author of several books and articles on trade, development and environment issues.

He is also the Honorary Secretary of the Consumers' Association of Penang in Malaysia and a board member of the South Centre and of the International Forum on Globalisation. He was formerly Vice Chairman of the UN Human Rights Commission Expert Group on the Right to Development and a consultant in several research studies under the United Nations.


1: The Issue
Free Access to Foreigners
National Treatment for Foreign Firms
Accompanying Measures
The Motives

2: The Implications
General Implications
Some Specific Implications for Developing Countries
Implications of WTO and Foreign Investment Treaty on BOP and Domestic Sectorsþ Development

3: The MIA
Reasons for Opposing the MIA
The Current State of Play

4: Options for Developing Countries
Suggested Positions for Developing Countries

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