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Biopiracy Watch: A compilation of some recent cases (Vol. 1)

Biopiracy Watch: A compilation of some recent cases (Vol. 1)

Author: Edward Hammond                          About the Book The biopiracy of genetic resources including seeds, medicinal plants and microbes, as well as of the...
USD 10.00


Bt Cotton in Burkina Faso: When Theory Does Not Match Reality

Bt Cotton in Burkina Faso: When Theory Does Not Match Reality

USD 8.00


Gene Drives: Legal and Regulatory Issues

Gene Drives: Legal and Regulatory Issues

USD 10.00


Genetic Resources: Our Forgotten Treasure

Genetic Resources: Our Forgotten Treasure

Author: Daniel Querol                            About the Book Third World countries are the source of the world's main crops. Potatoes come from the Andean Region, corn...
USD 15.00


In Defence of Local Community Knowledge and Biodiversity

In Defence of Local Community Knowledge and Biodiversity

Author: Gurdial Singh Nijar                     About the Book This is part of a series of TWN papers that the Third World Network is publishing on issues that are of public...
USD 4.00


Living on the Edge: Women, Agrobiodiversity and Livelihood

Living on the Edge: Women, Agrobiodiversity and Livelihood

Author : Vanaja Ramprasad                          About the Book The predominance of commercially marketed crop varieties and the supporting policy and legal frameworks in...
USD 12.00


Monocultures of the Mind

Monocultures of the Mind

Author: Vandana Shiva                          About the Book In this book Vandana Shiva, who has established herself as a leading independent thinker and voice of the South,...
USD 12.00


Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization

Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization

Also available in Spanish About the Book The fight against biopiracy and its injustices was the main impetus for the push to have an international treaty to be developed under the Convention on...
USD 15.00


Protocolo de Nagoya sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Participación Justa y Equitativa en los Beneficios que se Deriven De Su Utilización

Protocolo de Nagoya sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Participación Justa y Equitativa en los Beneficios que se Deriven De Su Utilización

Also available in English About the Book La lucha contra la biopiratería y sus injusticias fue el motor principal para lograr un tratado internacional, dentro del ámbito del Convenio sobre la...
USD 15.00


The Road to an Anti-Biopiracy Agreement: The Negotiations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity [Second edition]

The Road to an Anti-Biopiracy Agreement: The Negotiations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity [Second edition]

About the Book Almost six years of negotiations held under the aegis of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) culminated in the adoption in Nagoya, Japan in October 2010 of an...
USD 10.00


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