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Trade & Development

This is a series of papers published by Third World Network on trade and development issues that are of public concern, particularly in the South. The series is aimed at generating discussion and contributing to the advancement of appropriate development policies oriented towards fulfilling human needs, social equity and environmental sustainability.

Book Image Title Price+
The Implications of the New Issues in the WTO (No. 11)

The Implications of the New Issues in the WTO (No. 11)

Author: Bhagirath Lal Das                      About the Book New issues have frequently entered the ambit of the multilateral trading system over the last two decades,...
USD 6.00


The New Issues and Developing Countries (No. 4)

The New Issues and Developing Countries (No. 4)

Author: Chakravarthi Raghavan               Contents 1: Introduction 2: Trade and Environment 3: The Trading System and Internationally Recognised Labour Standards 4: Competition Policy...
USD 6.00


The Proposed New Issues in the WTO and the Interests of Developing Countries (No. 14)

The Proposed New Issues in the WTO and the Interests of Developing Countries (No. 14)

Author: Martin Khor                               About the Book Proposals have been strongly put forward by developed countries for injecting new issues into the ambit...
USD 6.00


The Role of China in Regional South-South Trade in the Asia-Pacific: Prospects for Industrialization of the Low-Income Countries (No. 41)

The Role of China in Regional South-South Trade in the Asia-Pacific: Prospects for Industrialization of the Low-Income Countries (No. 41)

Author: Mehdi Shafaeddin                      About the Book Based on his proposed alternative theoretical framework for South-South trade as a vehicle for industrialization and...
USD 6.00


The WTO agriculture agreement:: Features, effects, negotiations, and suggested changes (No. 19)

The WTO agriculture agreement:: Features, effects, negotiations, and suggested changes (No. 19)

Author: Martin Khor                               About the Book While the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) brought world agriculture...
USD 6.00


The WTO and its Dispute Settlement System: Tilting the balance against the South (No. 9)

The WTO and its Dispute Settlement System: Tilting the balance against the South (No. 9)

Author: Chakravarthi Raghavan                About the Author Chakravarthi Raghavan has been the Chief Editor of the South-North Development Monitor (SUNS), a daily bulletin...
USD 6.00


The WTO and the Proposed Multilateral Investment Agreement: Implications for Developing Countries and Proposed Positions (No. 2)

The WTO and the Proposed Multilateral Investment Agreement: Implications for Developing Countries and Proposed Positions (No. 2)

Author: Martin Khor                               About the Author MARTIN KHOR is the Director of Third World Network, a network of several NGOs in different parts of...
USD 6.00


The WTO Negotiations on Industrial Tariffs: What is at Stake for Developing Countries (No. 24)

The WTO Negotiations on Industrial Tariffs: What is at Stake for Developing Countries (No. 24)

Author: Yilmaz Akyüz                            About the Book This booklet focuses on the implications of the negotiations on industrial tariffs taking place at the World...
USD 6.00


The WTO’s Doha Negotiations and Impasse: A Development Perspective (No. 32)

The WTO’s Doha Negotiations and Impasse: A Development Perspective (No. 32)

Author: Martin Khor                               About the Book THE multilateral trade negotiations held under the aegis of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)’s Doha...
USD 6.00


Towards an Alternative Perspective on Trade and Industrial Policies (No. 30)

Towards an Alternative Perspective on Trade and Industrial Policies (No. 30)

Author: S M Shafaeddin                         About the Book Trade policy is at a crossroads, as is trade diplomacy, in the form of trade negotiations under the auspices of...
USD 6.00


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