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The THIRD WORLD in the Third Millennium CE

USD 18.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 978-967-5412-83-7
Year: 2014
No. of pages: 368
Size of book: 14cm x 21.5cm
Author: Chakravarthi Raghavan
About the Book

The development path traversed by the countries of the Third World since emerging from the colonial era has been anything but smooth. Their efforts to attain effective economic sovereignty alongside political independence, even till the present day, face myriad obstacles thrown up on the global economic scene. This drive to improve the conditions of the developing world’s population has seen the countries of the South seek to forge cooperative links among themselves and engage with the North to restructure international relations on a more equitable basis – not always with success.

In this collection of contemporaneous articles written over a span of more than three decades, Chakravarthi Raghavan traces the course of dialogue, cooperation and confrontation on the global development front through the years. The respected journalist and longtime observer of international affairs brings his inimitable blend of reportage, critique and analysis to bear on such issues as South-South cooperation, corporate-led globalization, the international financial system, trade and the environment-development nexus. Together, these writings present a vivid picture of the Third World’s struggle, in the face of a less-than-conducive external environment, for a development rooted in equity and justice.

About the author

CHAKRAVARTHI RAGHAVAN, Editor Emeritius of the South-North Development Monitor (SUNS), is a veteran Indian journalist whose professional experience spans six-and-a-half decades, including nine years covering the United Nations in New York and, since 1978, in Geneva closely monitoring and analyzing activities and negotiations at UNCTAD, GATT and the WTO as also the UN specialized agencies. He was formerly at the Press Trust of India, including as its Editor-in-Chief (1971-76). He is the author of Recolonization: GATT, the Uruguay Round and the Third World; The New Issues and Developing Countries; The World Trade Organization and Its Dispute Settlement System: Tilting the Balance Against the South; and Developing Countries and Services Trade: Chasing a Black Cat in a Dark Room Blindfolded; as well as other papers and numerous articles on trade and development, finance and other issues. He was presented the Group of 77/UNDP award for TCDC/ECDC (Technical and Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries) for 1997.




Part I: Overview
Setting the scene     

Part II: South-South Cooperation
Towards collective self-reliance   
Towards a new international economic order   
The promises of Havana   
The world crisis and the challenge for the non-aligned   

Part III: Trade and Development
Jan Pronk: UNCTAD V, despite failure, will prove to be a milestone in global structural changes   
The Trade and Development Report   
Crisis si, benefits no 
What after UNCTAD VI? 
Present at and witness to first TDR 
Annex: A reappraisal of development strategies 

Part IV: The New World Order, Globalization and Development
The New World Order: A view from the South 
Oh for a messiah for the new millennium 
Role of multilateral organizations in the globalization process 
The New Order, globalization and development 
An attempt to repeat history 
Globalization and the lessons of the past 
A costly annual gathering that has outlived its usefulness 

Part V: Money and Finance – From System to Non-System
The emperor has no clothes 
From Arusha to New Delhi 
Global finance and trade systems need major overhaul 
Restructure banking for more balanced and diversified system 

Part VI: Environment and Development
New North-South relations needed for UNCED to succeed 
Right to development vs right to waste? 
Earth Summit: A costly joke or a real turning point? 

Part VII: Miscellany
Industrialization of Third World for benefit of TNCs or people? 
Third World can cure or control diseases with proper drug policies 
The law of the seed 
Equity in ether 
Book review: India: Degradation and Development 
A year lost – between market and church

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