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Bonn News Updates and Climate Briefings (June 2009)

USD 10.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 978-967-5412-02-8
Year: 2009
No. of pages: 112
Size of book: 21cm x 29cm
About the Book

This is a collection of the 22 News Updates and three Briefing Papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the United Nations Climate Change Talks in Bonn, Germany, from 1-12 June 2009. 


  1. North Proposes South's Commitments in New Climate Treaties
  2. Rocky Road Ahead at Bonn Climate Talks
  3. Third World Network Intervention at the AWG-LCA Plenary (1 June 2009)
  4. Need for More Balance in Negotiating Text - Say Developing Countries
  5. A Shaky Start to Talks on Kyoto Protocol's Future Emission Cuts
  6. Proposals Outside Remit of Convention Must Be Rejected - Say Developing Countries
  7. Repay the Climate Debt: A Just and Effective Outcome for Copenhagen
  8. Lively Debate on Historical Responsibility in AWG-KP Contact Group on "Numbers"
  9. Developing Countries Call for Historical Responsibility as Basis for Copenhagen Outcome
  10. Divergence Over Financial Issues
  11. Will Process Issues Determine the Copenhagen Outcome?
  12. Focus on Concrete Actions on Adaptation - Say Developing Countries
  13. Wide North-South Divide Over IPRs and Climate Technologies
  14. Developed Countries Must Adopt Legally Binding Commitments on Emission Reductions
  15. Developing Countries Call for No Patents on Climate-friendly Technologies
  16. Developing Countries Pushed to Take on New Obligations
  17. Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications Reconstituted With Limitations
  18. Implementation of North's Climate Commitments Key for Equitable Outcome
  19. Wide-ranging Views Over 'Shared Vision' to Address Climate Change
  20. Widespread Disappointment Over Weak GHG Emission Reduction Pledges by Annex I Parties
  21. Intervention by Third World Network at the Closing Plenary of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) on 12 June
  22. Discussions on "Potential Consequences" See Little Progress
  1. Historical Responsibility and Equity: The Key to a Fair and Effective Outcome in Copenhagen
  2. Climate Debt: A Primer
  3. Patenting Trends in Climate-related Technologies

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