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Some Key Issues for the Post-Bali Climate Process (No. 1)

USD 8.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 978-983-2729-47-1
Year: 2008
No. of pages: 68
Size of book: 16.5cm x 24cm
Author: Martin Khor

About the Book

Meeting in Bali, Indonesia in December 2007, government delegates from over 180 countries agreed on the broad outlines of a work programme to deal with the climate change crisis under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This paper addresses the issues that are set to figure prominently in the discussions mandated by the Bali Action Plan: measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and the provision of finance and technology to support these measures.

Written shortly after the Bali meeting, this paper stresses that the post-Bali discussions should focus in particular on the implementation by developed countries of their existing commitments under the UN climate change regime to:

  • cut emissions of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming, and
  • support developing countries’ mitigation and adaptation actions with the adequate financial and technological resources.
The post-Bali talks should also aim at assisting developing countries to advance towards the goal of economic and social development along new, climate-friendly pathways. A fair and sustainable relation between developing and developed countries must be the bedrock of a successful set of decisions.

About the Author

MARTIN KHOR is the Director of the Third World Network. An economist trained in Cambridge University, he is the author of several books and articles on trade, development and environment issues.

  1. Background
  2. The Future of the Convention and Kyoto Protocol
  3. The Post-Bali Process: Negotiation or Dialogue?
  4. Commitments of Developed Countries
  5. The Role of Developing Countries
  6. Prioritization and Sequencing: Importance of Implementation of Existing Commitments
  7. Attempts at Linkage Between Climate and Other Issues
  8. The Scope of the AWG’s Work and Process
  9. The Link Between Global Goals and Emission Reductions of Developed and Developing Countries
  10. Finance
  11. Technology
  12. Capacity-Building and Technical Assistance
  13. A Development Agenda for Climate: Development Coherence and Pathways
  14. The Process
Annex 1: Bali Action Plan

Annex 2: Report on the Bali Climate Conference

Annex 3: Annex of Co-Facilitators’ Draft Decision Listing Issues for the Work Programme

Annex 4: Table and Graphs on Scenarios of Emission Reductions

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