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Bridging the Global Economic Divide: Proposals for Millennium Development Goal 8 on Global Partnership for Development (No. 5)

USD 6.00 Publisher: TWN
ISBN: 983-2729-13-0
Year: 2003
No. of pages: 44
Size of book: 14.5cm x 21cm
Author: Martin Khor

About the Book

The origins of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) lie in the United Nations Millenniium Declaration, adopted by the UN Member States on 8 September 2000. From the Declaration’s commitments, the UN Secretariat drew up a list of eight MDGs, each of them accompanied by specific targets and indicators.

This paper provides a view on Goal 8, which is to “develop a global partnership for development”. It focuses on only some aspects of the global economic system, their effects on development, and what needs to be done to contribute to realizing Goal 8.

The main focus is on the problems facing developing countries in international trade, and particularly the imbalances in the multilateral rules under the World Trade Organisation. The global financial system, and measures needed for its reform, are also discussed in outline form.

It is argued that unless there is progress on the international front (i.e., Goal 8 on global partnership), it will not be possible to realize the other MDGs that focus on national level policies.

About the Author

Martin Khor is the Director of Third World Network and the author of several books and articles on trade, development and environment issues. He was formerly a Vice Chairman of the UN Commission on Human Rights Expert Group on the Right to Development and has been a consultant to the United Nations in several research studies.


  1. Background and Introduction

  2. Need for an Appropriate Approach to the Integration of Developing Countries in the World Economy

  3. Trade, Development and Reform of the Multilateral Trading System
    A.    General
    B.    The commodities problem
    C.    Reforms to the WTO system

  4. Developing Reforms to the Global Financial System
    A.    The need for global financial reform
    B.    International-level required measures
    C.    National-level measures
    D.    Conclusion


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